How It Works?

Discount Circuit provides all the features of a factory outlet mall including basic mall management. Space is available within the range of 500-1000 sq. ft. for each brand depending upon the company requirement. The participating brand has an option to use the “upgradation center” to enhance the product value which may have some cosmetic flaws or defects.

Discount Circuit provides basic backup facilities for power, air-conditioning and warehousing. Thus, the participating company does not need to acquire warehouse space. Also Discount Circuit carries out series of promotions to increase awareness and the number of footfalls in the mall.

Thus, following is the overview of the functioning of Discount Circuit:

  • Factory outlet mall management
  • Upgradation center facilities
  • Space availability - 500 - 1000 sq. ft.
  • Back-up, air-conditioning, and warehousing services
  • Outlet promotion to increase footfalls

For the Consumer there are immense benefits in terms of a value shopping.

  • Product available at a discount from the Market Price
  • Maunfacturers warranty available as per original product.(In some cases reduced warranty period)
  • Discounts available throughout the year unlike periodic sales by Companies,usuall once/twice an year.
  • Choice of brands at a single location unlike a single brand sale.
  • Multi-product,multi-brand shopping experience.
  • Showroom shopping experience instead of temperary sales in banquet halls,make-shift spaces.